Using threat intelligence feeds for good....instead of wasting time and money.
Johns intense hatred for threat intelligence feeds is pretty well known. Trying to defend your network against specific attacks from specific actors is a waste of time and effort. But maybe there is a way we can do this better! Could we automate this? Possibly, John has had a change of heart… Not likely. But join us and see for yourself.
IMPORTANT (JUNE 6, 2019): The OSINT Tools by Mike Bazzel featured in this guide were taken down from his website due to increased DDoS-style attacks, as well as DMCAs and cease-and-desists from some of the tools included. Phoneinfoga will still work in this guide, but for the others, you can try using each companys individual tool instead. You can see how it used to work, however, in this video and on
When running an OSINT investigation, a phone number can prove to be extremely useful in gathering information about a target. On this episode of Cyber Weapons Lab, well explore a couple tools you can use to extract information from a phone number. First, theres the command-line tool called Phoneinfoga, then theres the web app tool on the IntelTechniques website.
In this video I go over the basics of tracking airplanes using Open Source tools and how to view filtered aircraft. While ADS-B Exchanges flight data is temporarily down, you can still view limited traces of flights. Apologies for not getting into the LLC portion I mentioned in the beginning, I believe that deserves a video in itself.
From Wild West Hackin Fest 2018 in Deadwood, SD.
Presenter: April C. Wright
April C. Wright is a hacker, writer, teacher, and community leader with over 25 years of breaking, making, fixing, and defending global critical communications and connections. She is an international speaker and trainer, educating others about personal privacy and information security with the goal of safeguarding the digital components we rely on every day. A security specialist for a Fortune 15 company and an OReilly author, April has held roles on offensive, defensive, operational, and development teams throughout her career, and been a speaker and contributor at numerous security conferences including BlackHat, DEF CON, DerbyCon, Hack in Paris, DefCamp, ITWeb, as well as for the US Government and industry organizations such as OWASP and ISSA. She has started multiple small businesses including a non-profit, is a member of the DEF CON Groups Core Team, and in 2017 she co-founded the Boston DEF CON Group DC617.
Aaron Jones presented «Introduction To Shodan» at the Phoenix Linux Users Groups security meeting on July 19th 2018
Introduction To Shodan is designed to provide an overview of the search engine for finding devices connected to the internet. Shodan is a security researcher tool that works by scanning the entire internet, locating and parsing banners, and then returning this information to the user. Shodan is an excellent tool to familiarize yourself with if you do not have the infrastructure or tools necessary to run masscan yourself. Shodan is useful in the target selection phase of an operation.
About Aaron:
Aaron is an experienced Linux user with several years of teaching experience. He works in the industry as a software developer while also providing consultancy on cyber security related topics. His discussions are AZ Post certified for training credit for law enforcement and he prides himself on providing quality educational material that is relevant and topical. He has a Masters Degree in Intelligence Analysis with a focus in Cyber Security, is a life long learner, and prides himself on staying up to date with the ever changing field of cyber security.
If you like what you see here and live in the Phoenix, Arizona area, the Phoenix Linux Users Group meets several times a month. Please visit for meeting times and locations then come see the presentations live and uncut.
Do you want to know how to build a top-ranked competitive hacking team? Its all about the system. In sports, we understand systems that coaches can use to build a system for identifying talent, recruiting them, training them up, and competing in big games. Learn our proven system for building an elite team of hackers that win DEFCON. Its surprisingly easy, but not what youd think.
Brian King
OSINT — Open Source Intelligence — is not (just) espionage. Its just collecting public data and extracting information from it. You can do it by hand with a lot of Google and a lot more patience, but youll want to automate as much as you can.
Come see what OSINT is and how its being used. Well look at some Python-based tools and how you might use and improve them.
PgBouncer — пулер соединений к PostgreSQL. Поговорим о том, что это, зачем нужно и почему делать приложения на Python без него так грустно, а затем установим и настроим PgBouncer.
Команда из видео:
echo «md5»$(echo -n PasswordUser | md5sum | awk {print $1})
0:00 Как работает PostgreSQL?
1:37 В чём проблема?
3:53 Что с этим делать?
4:58 Как нам поможет PgBouncer?
7:19 Установка и настройка PgBouncer
11:14 Доработка приложения для PgBouncer
11:49 Выводы
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Меня зовут Алексей Голобурдин, я программирую с 2004 года и на этом канале делюсь своим опытом. Я основатель и руководитель компаний:
— Диджитализируй, разрабатываем сложные IT системы для бизнеса;
— Salesbeat, комплексный модуль доставки для интернет магазинов.
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Интернет необходим жителю деревни для разных задач: образование, госуслуги, заработок, развлечение. В деревне подключить хороший интернет сложнее, чем в городе. Обеспечить качественный 4G Интернет в деревне можно через сотового оператора, используя 4G антенну MIMO. Уже два сезона мы использовали в деревне интернет от сотового оператора с простой панельной антенной. В этом сезоне мы установили антену, которая имеет в себе 4G-модем и роутер и питается через обычный кабель для компьютерных сетей. В этом видеоролике я расскажу о нашем новом комплекте для получения быстрого и качественного безлимитного интернет 4G в деревне.
00:00 Канал про переезд в деревню
00:33 Комплект для 4g-интернета с панельной антенной
05:00 4G-модем для раздачи WIFI
09:36 Новый комплект для 4G интернета
10:45 Антена со встроенным роутером и модемом
11:54 POE-инжектор для питания антенны
15:36 WIFI-репитер для увеличения покрытия зоны WiFi
20:51 Тестирование скорости деревенского интернет
23:24 В деревне лучше, чем в городе
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