Fundamental of IT - Complete Course || IT course for Beginners

In this course you will learn the most basic of Information technology. No matter you are complete beginner or want to be IT professional, then this IT fundamental course is the right
course for you to start. You will learn everything you need to know about IT. You will learn each and every basic of IT and develop strong skill and understanding of information technology.

Credit: The creator of this contents is Google ( Team: Grow with Google )
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
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Hacking/Security - NMAP Network Mapping Introduction

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NMAP allows you to map your network from the command line and output the results into a text format.

Make sure to run NMAP as root, or with sudo command. Root provides MAC Address and Vendor Information.

-A — Aggressive scan tries to find OS
-F — Scans only most popular 100 ports
-v — verbose output for command line
-oN — Outputs to Human Readable Text File
-oX — Outputs to XML file for Parsing

sudo nmap -v

sudo nmap -oN /home/username/nmap.txt

sudo nmap -A -F -oX /home/username/nmap.xml