Moving Past Just Googling It: Harvesting and Using OSINT | SANS@MIC Talk

Every single day we use search engines to look for things on the internet. Defenders research a domain or IP that contains malware. Attackers look for email addresses for an upcoming phishing campaign. DFIR people examine locations and usernames that they acquired from a subjects computer. Policy and compliance people examine the risk that employees in their organizations might bring to work. Recruiters scour the internet looking for candidates. And «normal people» shop, date, geolocate, post, tweet, and otherwise send a huge amount of data to the public internet.

While search engines harvest, store, and index billions of web site data points every day, there is much they do not contain. These pieces of OSINT data can, when put in perspective and analyzed, reveal target geolocations, friends and associates, alcohol consumption, user passwords, and more. This talk will be a series of hands on, live demos where we put our OSINT skills to work in unconventional places to harvest this unindexed OSINT data.

Using free web sites, built in web browser tools, and free python scripts, Micah will show attendees how to harvest data from social media applications, the «whois» system, and from breach data that will not appear in search engine results. Students will gain a better understanding of JSON, APIs, reverse whois, and how to run python tools.

Come join Micah as he examines how to move beyond «Googling it» in your personal and professional lives.

Speaker Bio
Micah Hoffman has been active in the information technology field since 1998, working with federal government, commercial, and internal customers to discover and quantify cybersecurity weaknesses within their organizations. As a highly active member of the cybersecurity and OSINT communities, Micah uses his real-world Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT), penetration testing, and incident response experience to provide customized solutions to his customers and comprehensive instruction to his students.

Over the years, Micah has conducted cyber-related tasks like penetration testing, OSINT investigations, APT hunting, and risk assessments for government, internal, and commercial customers. Micahs SANS coursework, cybersecurity expertise, and inherent love of teaching eventually pulled him toward an instructional role, and hes been a SANS Certified Instructor since 2013. Hes the author of the SANS course SEC487: Open Source Intelligence Gathering and Analysis, and also teaches both SEC542: Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking and SEC567: Social Engineering for Penetration Testers.

Weaponizing the Deep Web | SANS OSINT Summit 2020

There’s a lot of talk about data breaches but not much is discussed about where the data ends up and how it can be used for good. In this low-key talk, we’ll discuss where breach data ends up, how you can find copies of it, and most importantly, how you can use it to further your security goals. We’ll discuss how it can benefit blue teams/threat intel shops, pen testers, OSINT researchers and even DFIR practitioners.

Matt Edmondson @matt0177, Certified Instructor, SANS Institute

View upcoming Summits:

How the Best Hackers Learn Their Craft

David Brumley, CEO, ForAllSecure

Do you want to know how to build a top-ranked competitive hacking team? Its all about the system. In sports, we understand systems that coaches can use to build a system for identifying talent, recruiting them, training them up, and competing in big games. Learn our proven system for building an elite team of hackers that win DEFCON. Its surprisingly easy, but not what youd think.

Using Python to Spy on Your Friends: Recon-ng and Open Source Intelligence

Brian King
OSINT — Open Source Intelligence — is not (just) espionage. Its just collecting public data and extracting information from it. You can do it by hand with a lot of Google and a lot more patience, but youll want to automate as much as you can.

Come see what OSINT is and how its being used. Well look at some Python-based tools and how you might use and improve them.

Почему тебе нужен PgBouncer, как его установить? Оптимизируем веб-приложения с PostgreSQL

Запускаем мощную платную обучающую программу, интересно принять участие? Пройдите опрос —

Сказать спасибо можно здесь —

PgBouncer — пулер соединений к PostgreSQL. Поговорим о том, что это, зачем нужно и почему делать приложения на Python без него так грустно, а затем установим и настроим PgBouncer.

Команда из видео:
echo «md5»$(echo -n PasswordUser | md5sum | awk {print $1})

0:00 Как работает PostgreSQL?
1:37 В чём проблема?
3:53 Что с этим делать?
4:58 Как нам поможет PgBouncer?
7:19 Установка и настройка PgBouncer
11:14 Доработка приложения для PgBouncer
11:49 Выводы

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