Threat Hunting via Sysmon - SANS Blue Team Summit

Speaker: Eric Conrad, CTO, Backshore Communications; Senior Instructor, Co-Author SEC511 and SEC542, Author MGT514, SANS Institute

Windows Sysinternals Sysmon offers a wealth of information regarding processes running in a Windows environment (including malware). This talk will focus on leveraging Sysmon logs to to centrally hunt malice in a Windows environment. Virtually all malware may be detected via event logs, especially after enabling Sysmon logs.

Sysmon includes advanced capabilities, including logging the import hash (imphash) of each process, which fingerprints the names and order of DLLs loaded by a portable executable. This provides an excellent way of tracking families of related malware.
We will also discuss updates to DeepWhite: an open source detective application whitelisting framework that relies on Microsoft Sysinternals Sysmon and supports auto-submission of imphashes, EXE, DLL and driver hashes via a free Virustotal Community API key.

SANS Summit schedule:

The Blue Team Summit features presentations and panel discussions covering actionable techniques, new tools, and innovative methods that help cyber defenders improve their ability to prevent and detect attacks.

Open Source Intelligence 101

From Wild West Hackin Fest 2018 in Deadwood, SD.
Presenter: April C. Wright

April C. Wright is a hacker, writer, teacher, and community leader with over 25 years of breaking, making, fixing, and defending global critical communications and connections. She is an international speaker and trainer, educating others about personal privacy and information security with the goal of safeguarding the digital components we rely on every day. A security specialist for a Fortune 15 company and an OReilly author, April has held roles on offensive, defensive, operational, and development teams throughout her career, and been a speaker and contributor at numerous security conferences including BlackHat, DEF CON, DerbyCon, Hack in Paris, DefCamp, ITWeb, as well as for the US Government and industry organizations such as OWASP and ISSA. She has started multiple small businesses including a non-profit, is a member of the DEF CON Groups Core Team, and in 2017 she co-founded the Boston DEF CON Group DC617.

Follow Wild West Hackin Fest on Twitter here:


Maltego - Cyber Weapons Lab - Research like an OSINT Analyst

Presentation at Pasadena City College on Maltego. This week focuses on OSINT and conducting an investigation with advanced tools. We learn the importance of framing an investigation and walk beginners through the steps of a sample investigation.

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Weaponizing the Deep Web | SANS OSINT Summit 2020

There’s a lot of talk about data breaches but not much is discussed about where the data ends up and how it can be used for good. In this low-key talk, we’ll discuss where breach data ends up, how you can find copies of it, and most importantly, how you can use it to further your security goals. We’ll discuss how it can benefit blue teams/threat intel shops, pen testers, OSINT researchers and even DFIR practitioners.

Matt Edmondson @matt0177, Certified Instructor, SANS Institute

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Делаем 4g антенну | Как усилить интернет на даче

В этой серии мы сделаем простую, но очень эффективную 4g антенну для усиления дачного интернета, она же 4g пушка. Проведем тест и замер скорости интернета с антенной и без.

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