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Друзья, мы хотим расширять область своей деятельности. Мы хотим преподавать мат.статистику не только в рамках этого курса, но и всеобъемлюще. Мы хотим рассказать про все методы мат.статистики, которые есть в программах SPSS, Statistica, но также и в других программах, типа SAS, Eviews, Stata, r-statistics и так далее. Если такое сделать, этому курсу не будет аналогов в мире. Будут сотни подробных видеоуроков о разных методах статистики в разных программных средах. Однако, без финансовой помощи нам не справиться. Каждый может внести свой любой вклад в развитие этого полезного для всех дела.
Любое использование данного материала без прямого разрешения АО «Позитив Текнолоджиз» запрещено. Докладчик покажет, как провести эффективный первичный анализ системных журналов при помощи бесплатных продуктов. Система, собранная за 10 человеко-часов из нескольких открытых программных продуктов (syslog, Logstash, Elasticsearch и Kibana), позволяет расследовать инциденты безопасности в два щелчка мыши.
This talk will look at the art of espionage and intelligence gathering over the last 50 years.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Room 001, Rockefeller Center
This talk will look at the art of espionage and intelligence gathering over the last 50 years. We will look at the evolution of the tools of the trade and the rules of the trade, and a number of examples of successful espionage episodes will be discussed in relation to the tools and rules. We’ll see how the number of participants has exploded over the past 50 years, and speculate about the path of espionage in the coming years.
Richard M. (Dickie) George joined the National Security Agency in 1970 as a mathematician, and remained at NSA until his retirement in 2011. While at NSA, he wrote more than 125 technical papers on cryptomathematical subjects, and served in a number of positions: analyst, and technical director at the division, office, group, and directorate level. He served as the Technical Director of the Information Assurance Directorate for eight years until his retirement. Mr. George remains active in the security arena; he is currently the Senior Advisor for Cyber Security at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory where he works on a number of projects in support of the U.S. Government. He is also the APL representative to the I3P, a consortium of universities, national labs, and non-profit institutions dedicated to strengthening the cyber infrastructure of the United States.
This talk will examine Intelligence Preparation for the Battlefield and for the Environment (IPB/IPE) for the cyber domain. We will look at the conventional intelligence methodologies and use our findings to answer key questions for Intelligence Preparation of the Cyber Environment (IPCE): What do I look I look like to my attackers, what do my attackers look like to me, how are we likely to “do battle,” and thus how can I better prepare for it. The talk will
provide an overview of how the conventional methodology is applied to the cyber environment and, ultimately, how it applies to
the organizations of attendees themselves.
We’ll look at how to collect information on the attackers, how to understand your own environment, and how to visualize a likely attack and prepare for it.
Speaker Bio: Rob Dartnall (@cyberfusionteam), Director of Intelligence, Security Alliance Ltd.
Drawing on his diverse intelligence background, Rob brings together both cyber and traditional intelligence experience. Rob is an ex-British Army Military Intelligence Operator specializing in intelligence fusion, exploitation, and strategic analysis. After leaving the military, he entered the cyber security industry, where he specializes in bringing traditional methodologies to cyber threat
intelligence and insider threat analysis